Anne Notations

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blessings 10-25-09

1. The irresistible mystery of a long-stemmed rose on the sand.

2. Shopping for clothes with Kevin. He's developed his own funky style and likes bright colors. Check the Nikes we got him at Bob's today. He bought purple laces to replace the white ones.

3. Bill Harley's fun, sassy songs for kids. I downloaded a bunch from iTunes tonight to make a CD for Caroline. Bill lives about three miles from Providence and was a member of our pool club, where he'd give an outdoor concert for the kids every summer. Kevin's favorite song was You're in Trouble. We all loved Freddie the Fly-Eating Frog.

4. Figuring out which things in life constitute the "small stuff" that we shouldn't sweat. (My list keeps growing longer.)

5. Autumn colors, autumn light.


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